
The FlyGuyz generative PFP NFTs are uniquely and randomly generated attributes based on blockchain technology. They will be released first on Ethereum Blockchain followed by the game.

FlyGuyz NFT collectibles also come in 4 different classes, each with a unique set of attributes that appear on the NFT. Owning FlyGuyz NFT will bring the following benefits:

  • Use FyGuyz as their characters in exciting Play-to-Earn features

  • Enjoy the FlyGuyz Tournaments and Championship that is organized seasonally and win prizes from the tournaments

  • Participating in the FlyGuyz Metaverse

  • After the FlyGuyz Fortress is released, players can buy their own NFT strongholds and in different realms, and manufacture and exchange goods or NFTs

  • Explore & Fight with VR in 3D mode of FlyGuyz , enable chat interactive

  • Social element with cooperating in teams or joining different realms

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